

Located in a small room within the grounds of Pierre Emmanuel High School, the Studio d’Ipotêtu is a place of work, exchange and life as well as archiving open to high school students supervised by at least one member of the artistic team of the Musée d’Ipotêtu project or one member of the teaching or educational team.

The Ipotêtu Studio is a place where the activities of the Ipotêtu Museum project are organized and where the objects collected by the high school pupils are deposited and archived. It is equipped with digital production tools for scanning and modelling 3D objects, a module on wheels and mobile wooden furniture.

The Ipotêtu Studio is managed by a volunteer in civic service from the artistic team of the Ipotêtu Museum project.

During the first year of the project (2017-2018), it was open to pupils several days a week and according to a schedule established by Maëva Changeur, the first volunteer on a civic service mission for the project. This period was very active, especially with the first workshops led by the various invited artists of the project during the production phase. During this first stage, Maëva made many excursions in the courtyard with the studio’s roller module in order to extend the collection of objects from high school pupils but also to share some friendly discussions with the pupils during the recesses.

For the second year of the project (2018-2019), the last workshops were followed by the post-production phase of the works and the creation of the virtual museum. During this phase, the Ipotêtu studio opened according to a schedule established by the constraints inherent to the needs of the project. Marina Bianchi, the second person on a civic service mission, was in charge of the activities of the Ipotêtu studio during this period.

The garden of Ipotêtu

Lyn Nékorimaté

Ipotêtu’s choreographies

Lyn Nékorimaté & Sébastien Garciaz

The space of sound

Olivier Toulemonde

Stratigraphic wanderings

Elsa Mazeau

Memory and poetry of the carrot

Elsa Mazeau

Memorized prospectings

Laurence Cornet

Perform the facade

Elsa Mazeau

Ghosts of paradise

Yu-Ting Su & Fabrice Cotinat


Fabrice Cotinat & Yu-Ting Su

The large gallery

Jean Paul Labro

The great sphere

Jean Paul Labro & Sébastien Garciaz